Conquering Homeschool Challenges

Sometimes challenges threaten a parent's will to homeschool his or her children. These challenges may be especially taxing on those who are new to the world of homeschooling. Below are some tips that will assist you with avoiding common homeschooling mistakes so that your experience will be successful and engaging. Resist the need to overschedule... Continue Reading →

Homeschooling in Real Life

As homeschooling parents, it is easy for us to want to paint a perfect picture of our homeschooling experiences or highlight only the good aspects of homeschooling. In reality, however, homeschooling can pose serious challenges to families embarking on this endeavor. Here are some common barriers faced by today's homeschooling families: Being solely responsible for... Continue Reading →

Let’s Talk Facts!

Many times parents are approached by those who have questions about homeschooling. In the present day, it's hard to believe that some common antiquated myths are still circulating. After so much information has been published to edify those who lack accurate information about homeschooling, the need to educate remains. Since beginning my journey as a... Continue Reading →

Mini Post: Homeschooling On-The-Go

One great thing about homeschooling is that you can do it practically anywhere. The flexibility of homeschooling is encouraging to new and veteran homeschoolers alike. Let's talk about the day when we homeschooled in the hair salon. Yes, the hair salon. Typically, a trip to the hair salon is an all-day affair. So, instead of... Continue Reading →

For the Working Homeschooling Mom

Homeschooling your child or children while working full-time can be a challenging task for novice as well as veteran homeschooling parents. A common question from those who aspire to work and homeschool is, "How do you do it?" Although the question may seem simple enough, there is no simple answer. I often take the time... Continue Reading →

Mini-Post – Whitney Plantation Experience

Our experience at the Whitney Plantation was truly unique. We appreciate the experience, and we encourage all Americans to visit plantations when provided the opportunity. Plantations give us a glimpse of the harsh reality of slavery and force us to think about how things were, how things are, and how things could possibly be. To... Continue Reading →

Making The Homeschooling Experience Count

There is a common misconception surrounding homeschooling, and many believe that homeschooling should mimic the public school system. This is simply not true. Homeschooling is a highly individualized and rewarding experience for the entire family, and all have the opportunity to learn. That is the beauty and essence of homeschooling in a nutshell. Learning can... Continue Reading →

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